All Project Engineer Sponsored H1B Applications - 2021

Explore salaries for Project-engineer in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Project Engineer Shimmick Construction Company Inc Oakland $ 84,500 / Year
Project Engineer Intertek Testing Services Na Inc Cortland $ 90,000 / Year
Project Engineer Progress Rail Locomotive Inc Lagrange $ 120,563 / Year
Project Engineer Christner Contracting Inc Ottumwa $ 49,920 / Year
Project Engineer Anaergia Services Llc Carlsbad $ 115,490 / Year
Project Engineer Garnat Engineering Llc Bryant $ 54,000 / Year
Project Engineer Reliable Contracting Company Inc Gambrills $ 61,485 / Year
Project Engineer Damato Conversano Inc Seattle $ 72,230 / Year
Project Engineer Detroit Engineered Products Inc Troy $ 85,000 / Year
Project Engineer Primetals Technologies Usa Llc Alpharetta $ 69,930 / Year
Project Engineer Asahi Kasei Bioprocess America Inc Glenview $ 80,000 / Year
Project Engineer Aiw Inc Hyattsville $ 65,270 / Year
Project Engineer Liro Engineers Inc Syosset $ 95,650 / Year
Project Engineer Digital Building Components Llc Phoenix $ 75,000 / Year
Project Engineer Saber Power Services Llc Rosharon $ 129,000 / Year
Project Engineer Insulet Corporation Acton $ 101,417 / Year
Project Engineer Soap Engineering Llc Houston $ 88,547 / Year
Project Engineer Flow Data Inc San Antonio $ 67,059 / Year
Project Engineer Intellectt Inc Iselin $ 44 / Hour
Project Engineer Cypress Construction Management Llc Roseville $ 72,280 / Year

Last 5 Years H-1B Salary Data is an independent website that displays public disclosure data in a user-friendly format. We have analyzed 10 years of H1B data from USCIS and the US Department of Labor, covering more than 6 million records from FY 2014 to FY 2023. However, for the latest and most accurate data, it's best to check the official sources directly. All content on H1BInfo is copyrighted and all rights are reserved from 2022 to 2023.