All Quality Assurance Analyst Sponsored H1B Applications - 2018

Explore salaries for Quality-assurance-analyst in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Quality Assurance Analyst Acme Smoked Fish Corp Brooklyn $ 42,351 / Year
Quality Assurance Analyst Creative Systems And Consulting Llc Mclean $ 94,500 / Year
Quality Assurance Analyst U Haul International Phoenix $ 60,700 / Year
Quality Assurance Analyst Horizonsoftsolutions Inc The Woodlands $ 128,000 / Year
Quality Assurance Analyst It America Inc Edison $ 62,000 / Year
Quality Assurance Analyst Turnberry Solutions Inc Blue Bell $ 40 / Hour
Quality Assurance Analyst Nihaki Systems Inc South Plainfield $ 67,600 / Year
Quality Assurance Analyst Smart Information Management Systems Inc Plainsboro $ 78,291 / Year
Quality Assurance Analyst Teksky Llc Sterling $ 69,867 / Year
Quality Assurance Analyst Techno Comp Inc Somerset $ 81,000 / Year
Quality Assurance Analyst Tekwissen Llc Ann Arbor $ 86,653 / Year
Quality Assurance Analyst Shretech Inc Frisco $ 76,600 / Year
Quality Assurance Analyst Bioinfo Systems Llc Hartford $ 37 / Hour
Quality Assurance Analyst Techmagix Inc Irving $ 77,000 / Year
Quality Assurance Analyst Aspire Systems Inc Oak Brook $ 102,950 / Year
Quality Assurance Analyst Cyberthink Inc Bridgewater $ 62,000 / Year
Quality Assurance Analyst National Interstate Insurance Company Richfield $ 77,024 / Year
Quality Assurance Analyst Compunnel Software Group Inc Plainsboro $ 76,650 / Year
Quality Assurance Analyst Olsonco Inc Fairfax $ 72,509 / Year
Quality Assurance Analyst Flexon Technologies Inc Pleasanton $ 82,493 / Year
This is the Graph showing the Salary Details over the Year in Quality Assurance Analyst
Hover over the chart to see details here
The data displayed in this graph is sourced from the official U.S. Department of Labor website. For more information, visit

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