All Staff Accountant Sponsored H1B Applications - 2017

Explore salaries for Staff-accountant in different cities and companies with our table. Featuring average wage rates and comprehensive data, our table helps you stay informed about the latest compensation trends in the industry

Job Title
Employer Name
City Name
Average Salary
Staff Accountant Ecs Financial Services Northbrook $ 56,000 / Year
Staff Accountant Kevin Hsu Cpa A Professional Accountancy Corporation City Of Industry $ 23 / Hour
Staff Accountant Shk Group Pllc Bellevue $ 24 / Hour
Staff Accountant Leonard C Green Co Pa Woodbridge $ 55,765 / Year
Staff Accountant Nina Jo Associates Llc Washington $ 63,000 / Year
Staff Accountant Brz Sailor Khan Llc St Louis $ 47,507 / Year
Staff Accountant Rincon Family Services Chicago $ 42,848 / Year
Staff Accountant Evans Co Cpa Pc San Francisco $ 58,500 / Year
Staff Accountant Rcs Associates Ltd Hillside $ 57,600 / Year
Staff Accountant American Business Institute Corp Flushing $ 27 / Hour
Staff Accountant Smd Consulting Accounting Llc Frisco $ 47,715 / Year
Staff Accountant Ealytex Global Inc New York $ 28 / Hour
Staff Accountant Pactrans Air And Sea Inc Bensenville $ 46,000 / Year
Staff Accountant Susan Chen Cpa Pc Sugar Land $ 26 / Hour
Staff Accountant Kevin Hsu Cpa A Professional Accountancy Corporation City Of Industry $ 23 / Hour
Staff Accountant Alma Realty Corp Long Island City $ 27 / Hour
Staff Accountant Ast Financial Inc Plymouth Meeting $ 23 / Hour
Staff Accountant Upfront Newport Beach $ 56,618 / Year
Staff Accountant Alma Realty Corp Long Island City $ 27 / Hour
Staff Accountant Greensky Management Company Llc Atlanta $ 55,000 / Year

Last 5 Years H-1B Salary Data is an independent website that displays public disclosure data in a user-friendly format. We have analyzed 10 years of H1B data from USCIS and the US Department of Labor, covering more than 6 million records from FY 2014 to FY 2023. However, for the latest and most accurate data, it's best to check the official sources directly. All content on H1BInfo is copyrighted and all rights are reserved from 2022 to 2023.

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